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Fire Suppression Pool – Fire Fighting Solutions

Professional fire fighting pumps and equipment.

Packages tailored to your situation.

How It Works

Quick Response Time – Attack immediate threats.

Strategic Set-Up – Soak perimeter or specific areas of your property.

Sustained Protection – Automate before evacuation.

Pump Packages

Each pump package includes impulsion and expulsion equipment as well as hoses, nozzles, water defense and water protection sprays.

Tailored to individual situations and requirements.

Motor Pumps


Small, lightweight, compact and highly portable.

Ideal for rapid deployment and immediate threats

50cc / 4-stroke / 2.1 hp

6.9 bar / 260 litres per minute

9.5 kg

Single line use

Switchable between attack and defense


Mid-range power, portable, long run time.

Ideal for medium sized properties with long pumping duration requirements.

125cc / 2-stroke / 10 hp

10 bar / 370 litres per minute

22 kg

Run two lines simultaneously

Use for attack and / or longer duration defense


A high-power, high-pressure, high-flow solution for large-scale fire attack, defense, suppression and protection.

Ideal for  larger properties and demanding conditions.

570cc / 4-stroke / 18 hp

28 bar / 400 litres per minute

65 kg

Multi-line capability

Full-scale attack and defense, multi-zone protection, long runtime

Hose Attachments

Professional Fire Hose Nozzle

Adjustable spray and flow rate control professional firefighting nozzle

Focussed straight stream – long range attack or soaking.

Narrow-angle attack cone between 30º and 45º – for advancing an attack line.

Wide-angle dense fog pattern – close range protection and to control smoke and gases.

Selectable flow rates = 19, 37, 90, or 150 litres per minute

Frontline Protection Spray

Creates a dense wall of fine water mist.

Designed to absorb heat and protect frontline personnel and equipment.

The volume of water out and the formation of the spray depend directly on the water pressure provided.

Working pressure 20 – 22 Bar / 120 litres of water per minute.

The higher the water pressure, the larger the wall of water.

Water Defence Spray

Quickly soak a large area.

Range up to 40 metres, in every direction.

Covers up to 6 400 m2

The range of the spray and coverage area depends directly on the water pressure provided.

Impulsion Components

Expulsion Components

Pump Carrying Backpacks




We do not recommend attempting to fight a fire yourself.

Fires spread rapidly – professional assistance is always the best and safest option.

Always call emergency services first, have an escape plan, stay safe and be prepared to evacuate.

Effectiveness  depends on many factors including response time and strategy, fire intensity, wind conditions, and water availability.

Should a fire start on your property or is headed your way, you may choose to use this equipment (at your own risk) to attempt to extinguish a fire (if safe to do so) or to wet down your property and perimeter while waiting for emergency services / professional assistance to arrive, or ahead of evacuation.

This equipment should only be used as a supplement to, and not a replacement for, already proven fire fighting mitigation or prevention strategies.

Never use water to extinguish electrical fires.

Never use water to extinguish flammable liquid fires.

Never spray water towards power lines, electrical appliances, electrical cables, or equipment.

Not guaranteed to put out a fire or save a house.

Not intended to save lives.

Use of any assembled or individual components is entirely at your own risk.